The Father Says Today: October 11th, 2023

The Father says today, you are not insignificant. Sometimes, you feel small and insignificant, but truly, you are not insignificant. I have made you as one with a voice to carry My authority and greatness on the inside of you. When the enemy tries to steal your voice, I am there to protect, defend, and preserve your opportunity to speak and be heard. In the days ahead, I will make your voice even louder. I will cause your voice to be heard and to carry and carry and carry. I am giving you this gift because you know how to speak the truth. I am opening this opportunity and many opportunities to you because you know how to speak love, and you know how to speak encouragement. Where some want to speak death and damnation, the Father says, I have made you a voice of encouragement. I want you to be an encourager and one who brings joy, joy, and more joy to many by My word that will come forth out of your mouth. I want you to be an ambassador of joy who will speak life over the lives of those who are broken and out of the way.

As you obey Me, says the Father, lives will be changed because of you. Do not feel you are doing something small because I have made you big in my kingdom. As you obey Me, there will be rewards. As you obey Me, there are jewels – things that are formed by HEAT and PRESSURE that are waiting for you as a reward. There is a crown of victory and even a purple robe for you to carry. A new mantle for you to carry. A walk in royalty and authority that, even to this day, I have given to you because I know you will obey and speak and be My spokesperson. You have sometimes said, “God, I don’t mind being behind the scenes”. I say to you because you have had a humble heart, I will put you in the forefront so people can see the love that you carry on the inside of you. You will be a leaker of love. My love will fill you, leak out of you, and get on all of those around you – even those who are difficult to love and show love. So, go out and leak out of My love and rejoice, for this is a chosen path for you to walk in this season, says the Father.

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  • The New Hanna 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 says:

    This prophetic word from the Father’s Heart resonates with my spirit. I pray that Lord will teach and guide me to be all that He has called me to, even LOVE. The Lord will get the Glory out of my life. Thank you. Blessings, Shalom and Agape. 👀🙏🏽♥️📖🙌🏽