The Father Says Today: October 11th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that there is a cry of repentance in the land. The message is the same as it was in the days of the Baptist. Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Repent, for the kingdom is among you. Repent – change your way of thinking because My kingdom is IN YOU and not distant from you in any way. I am near to you says the Father. Your life is dear to Me in ways that you are not capable of comprehending. I have seen your suffering and your sorrow. I have seen the snare the enemy has cast down to keep you from My goodness but this shall not stand. I am a good God and I have determined in My sovereignty that of My goodness you shall fully taste even while you are in the land of the living.
Repent, says the Father for it is My goodness that leads to the repentance that I seek. So hold everything loosely beloved and be teachable and willing to change. Give Me some cooperation says the Father and I will give you the change that you cried out for. I am not interested in the fear based religious reform that only seeks to escape suffering. It is in My presence where perfect peace is found and it is in My presence that transformation takes place. As you see Me, you will become like Me for you shall see Me as I am. Those that have misunderstood shall look upon you and undeniably see that you have your Father’s heart, and your Father’s mind and your Father’s eyes.

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