The Father Says Today: October 10th, 2023

The Father says today, I’m so proud of you. I’m proud that you were willing to come out into the deeper things of My Spirit. You saw what the world had to offer, and you chose to empty your hands of the vain works of man and allow Me to fill your heart with My All-in-All blessing and power. Indeed as you’ve given Me your all, even so, I am pouring out into your life without measure all that heaven affords. Speak to that outpouring, for it will take the shape of your declarative words as you decree the shift and the change, coming into agreement, cooperation, and alignment with what I’m willing to do and what I am doing no matter what man thinks or what their opinions are to the contrary. I remember the day you were born again. I remember when you asked Me into your heart, and from the hall of unrealized destinies in the heavens came a mantle and a word of guidance to lead you inevitably and inexorably into your blessing place of service, anointing, glory, and power in My kingdom. 

I’ve watched you grow up over the years, and I’m so proud of the spiritual warrior you’ve become. You’re kind, compassionate, and discerning. You’ve shown yourself hungry and willing for all I have to lead you in and take you through so that My will might be established. You’ve made a decision to engage with the initiatives of heaven, and for that reason, I’ve moved you from the eddies and side currents of My kingdom into the very center of the river of My Spirit that you might partake and move into the wholeness of healing, purpose, and assignment that I’ve had planned for you since before the world began.  Hear the whisper of My Spirit. You have nations in you. You’re going to do great things in life. You have the potential to change the world. And I know that you will by the grace of My indwelling Spirit. Go out in your day this day as a privileged child of a loving Father, expecting all the resources of the Throne to be available to every occasion of your faith and you will see the substance of My fullness made manifest in miracles, signs, wonders, and breakthrough beyond your imagining. 

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