The Father Says Today: November 8th, 2021

The Father says today I am not a far-off God. I am near to you as I am near to all those who are of a humble spirit and a contrite heart. Offer up your contrition says the Father. No need to rattle your saber or to bluster or be bellicose in the situation. I see what’s going on. I am exposing and causing to be shouted from the rooftop those things that need to be known and said. Say to your ears “hear” and to your eyes “see what God is showing you.” Do not falter or be afraid for I am not showing you merely what is coming I am showing you what My hand is doing and moving and exacting My justice in the situation that you might come forth blessed and being a blessing to all those around you.

Shout for joy says God and not for mastery. You don’t need to master the situation when I AM with you. Let Me be who I AM and you be who you are – My willing subject. Trust Me and know that I am working. Magnify Me and I will be magnified in your situation and cause things to work out in your favor. Speak of My righteousness and of My goodness for it is raining down on you this day, yes, even the beneficial rains of My favor that change and shift the atmosphere and bring heaven to earth over you in a moment of time.

Prophet Russ Walden

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  • Every morning I can’t wait to read the Prophetic Word for the day by Prophet Russ.
    He speaks to me and reminds me that I am who I am and God is w ho He is and all I have to do is listen. Sometimes, we get carried away and think we have to take control. I am learning to resist that and just listen to what God is telling me. He knows what is best for me.

    Thank you again for your wonderful words and reminders about God’s faithfulness.

  • Thank the Lord. I need a breakthrough. Let it be as it has been spoken. For the Lord’s Glory. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽