The Father Says Today: November 7th, 2021

The Father says today, I’ve seen your poverty of spirit and I am delivering you this moment from those who are too strong for you. I’ve seen the falsehood of the false brothers and sisters that have spoken against you that which did not originate in Me. They spoke and I heard and I am acting to move and come to your defense. You never need defend yourself says God for I have resources to vindicate you and cause My truth in you to outlive the lies around you and to bring you into your blessing place – that place of refreshing and renewal that changes everything and changes you more into My likeness.

When the enemy throws a party and finds everything is right with their world because you are suffering, never respond in kind. When they falter come to their rescue. When they struggle fast for them like they were your dearest friend. When they mock look up to Me for there is a timeline to your deliverance and I will not withhold forever. Wait for it says, God. Wait for the hand of My deliverance that is forewarning and forthcoming even now. I will not look on in inactivity says God but I will act and I am acting to reduce you from their destructions and to recover you from the mouth of the lion and the paw of the bear. It’s who I am and what I do and this day I visit My salvation upon you.

Prophet Russ Walden

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  • Thank You, Lord, for letting me know that You have my back. I struggle to remain silent when attacked but I continue to pray for my enemies. I will add fasting to that as well because I refuse to let unforgiveness win. I don’t wish to reconnect with the attackers but I will remain in a state of forgiveness toward them. Thank You

  • I receive this prophetic word. I believe, may the Lord help my unbelief. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽