The Father Says Today: November 6th, 2012

The Father says today I have made provision for you to ride upon the high places of the earth. Your place is here by Me and I am high and lifted up. As you go low and worship you will ascend into new entitlement in My kingdom. You shall ascend in worship says the Father and descend in warfare.
As you worship says the Father you will find your ascension in Me. Worship is more than melody and more than instrumentation. I would teach you and instruct you to find your ascension in Me. Come to Me when you are weary and come to Me when you are heavy laden. That is where you will find repose in My throne.
I will place those things that plague you and torment you under your feet and you will come forth in victory in the caravan of the hosts of heaven who were deployed to bring about your resurrection from this place of suffering and torment. Trust Me says the Father. Call upon Me and I will answer you and that right speedily.

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Other Comments

  • i feel so blessed by the prophesy I received today. I serve as a worshipper at or church and God is using me mightily for the past two weeks. this confirms the prophesy I received. I have been crying for God’s itervention for the past few months because life was so difficult to bear and I thank God to show me that my answer is on worship.Thank God for Russ and Kitty

  • Thank you Father, I receive this message now in my life in the name of Yeshua!! Hallelujah!

  • Thank you lord ,for the word that you have spoken to your vessel, i belive and recive i need that word so bad so bad i need you to do that for me,lord lord you know.