The Father Says Today: November 4th, 2020

The Father says today, your prayers are instantly heard in heaven. The distresses of life, the encroachment of fear and worry may be pressing, but greater is the pressure of My kingdom on the inside – flowing out – than the pressure of the enemy on the outside trying to plow you under. You are never so powerful and influential in the realm of the Spirit than in a posture of prayer. Your tears and groanings are a language that moves the heavens and shifts the atmosphere to answer your every need. Every one of your tears is in My bottle. They are the diamonds of heaven, much treasured and guarded over by the angels assigned to your life.

When words fail, open your mouth and release the unutterable gushings of the heart. There is nothing mechanical about prayer and nothing dispassionate about your intercessions. Your angel takes your prayers and places them as coals upon My altar. Know that your prayers are the fuel of the fire that I AM in your life. Refuse to pray weak watered-down prayers, instead pray incendiary prayers that ascend to My throne as holy incense to My nostrils. They are received, and the angels gather them with tongs and cast them back into the earth to produce precisely what you require of Me according to My promise. Murmuring and complaining? They never reach further than the ceiling. Boasting and the prating of fools? They make the heavens as brass, but the prayer of a righteous one – your prayers – they cut the lay lines of demonic resistance and bring heaven to earth as though in a moment that you might rejoice and be glad in God your Savior!

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