The Father Says Today: November 28th, 2020

The Father Says Today: November 28th, 2020

By Prophet Terri Allen

Prophet Russ Returns December 1st

The Father says today, I have not set you on the shelf to gather dust and go to waste. Rather, I have saved the best for last. Just as in the wedding feast with the miracle of the water turned into wine, it was declared that the best was saved for last. Even as you have faithfully served Me in years past and have now felt the autonomy of a sense of completion you have not finished the race that is set before you. Not yet beloved. There is more to be done and there are further days and years of ministry portion still ahead. So, dust yourself off and get ready.

I have saved the best for last in your case. I have called you into this very hour with a purpose and a great destiny. What has been accomplished in the past has been ordained, yes, and fulfilling, yes, but your destiny is not complete yet. There is coming a season of ‘fields white unto harvest,’ and a great outpouring of My Spirit. The plans that I have for you are yet to be fulfilled. The plans I have will bring you to My expected outcome as you set yourself to walk upon the narrow path. Your season of miracles and greater works is before you. Receive this day the strengthening grace for the journey, says the Father.

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