The Father Says Today – November 27th, 2024

The Father says today… Recognize the people I send into your life, for they are instruments of My will, whether they bring blessings or challenges. Do not be deceived by appearances, for my messengers may come in humble attire or in positions of power and influence. John the Baptist, clad in rough camel’s hair, prepared the way for my Son, while King Solomon, adorned in splendor, built my temple. Both served my purpose, each in their own unique way. Just as I sent them, I send people into your life to guide, to challenge, and to shape you.

Pay attention to the spiritual leaders in your life, for they are often the vessels through which I speak. Do not dismiss their counsel or ignore their wisdom, for they carry a message from me. When you encounter resistance or opposition, remember that Satan also uses people to try to lead you astray. Be discerning, and test the spirits to see if they are from me. Your response to those I place in your path is significant, for it reveals your obedience and your willingness to follow my guidance. Trust in my plan for your life, and remain open to the people I send your way, for they are part of my divine purpose for you.

Does this word resonate with you?
Sow Your Faith into this Word – Today!

The faith it takes to give into this prophetic word is the very same faith that will bring it to fruition in your situation. It is a tangible demonstration of your belief in My love and My promises. Act now, beloved, for your response time in giving is a measure of your faith and a catalyst for My timing in bringing this breakthrough to pass in your situation. Every seed sown in faith is a declaration of your trust in Me. It is an investment in the manifestation of My love and blessings in your life. Do not delay, dear one, for the harvest awaits, and I am eager to pour out My abundant blessings upon you.”

Always remember that I am here to be the Prophet in Your Life, to See You Come to Breakthrough in Every Area of Your Need.” ~~ Russ

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