The Father Says Today: November 27th, 2020

The Father Says Today: November 27th, 2020

By Prophet Terri Allen

Prophet Russ Returns December 1st

The Father says today, let My love song woo you, and let your heart follow wholly after Me. There is no other way to turn to be loved with this great love that I love you with. I have placed My eternal love inside of your heart and there are depths of My love that you have yet to fathom. My love has no end and no beginning, says the Alpha and the Omega. I have loved you with an everlasting love that will never leave you and never forsake you. My love cried out for you from the Cross with every drop of blood and every piercing wound. My love saw you from afar when you were yet in your sin and shame and I gathered you as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings.

I desire to take you to even greater depths of love, that you may experience greater levels of joy and peace – those realms of glory that will cause the earth shadows of darkness to fade from view so that your focus will be upon My face as I am focused upon your face beloved. Face to face with Me in the place of quiet intimacy and trust only to be found as you seek Me first. My kingdom is found, not out there somewhere but on the inside of you, where I live with you for all of eternity, says the Father.


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