The Father Says Today: November 27th, 2012

The Father says today just how much of My presence are you ready to walk in? You do understand that there is never a time that I am closer to you than I am right now? The issue is the magnitude of your own focus and attention. You ARE where your ATTENTION takes you. Place your attention upon Me says the Father.
Train your affections upon Me. I will manifest as your healer, deliverer and savior. I will detach you from the tentacles of your past. Go ahead says the Father. Cut the tendrils of pain from your past.  Allow yourself to be wrapped up in My sweetness and wholeness. I will restore. You have asked for a restoration of a tender spirit and that restoration is NOW.
I am synchronizing the beating of your heart to My heart says the Father. I am enlarging your heart spiritually. The four chambers of your inner heart surge with My life and love and compassion. I am bringing you now to the entering in place of My unconditional love. My love will harbor you. In My love you will never again come to failure.

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