The Father Says Today: November 26th, 2012

The Father says today I am breaking off of you the rigidity of spirit the enemy has attempted to poison you with. The enemy knows what a threat you are and the only way he can impede you is by seducing you into a brittle and inflexible attitude toward what I am doing in your life and the lives of others.
I give you permission says the Father to pray “Bend Me oh God!”. When you pray this prayer says the Father the first thing I will do is saturate you with the oil of My presence. I am so going to moisten you with the oil of My spirit that the enemy won’t be able to keep you from slipping out of his grasp.
So go ahead and enjoy being a slippery little character today says the Father. You are being saturated at this moment with My anointing. I am Christ in you already and now I will be Christ ON YOU in an unprecedented way. You don’t have to wait for SOME DAY says the Father. Some day is NOW.

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