The Father Says Today: November 25th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that I am cleansing you with the astringent of My word. No more cutting yourself with stones as the Gaderene among the tombs. I have not called you to a tomb – life I have called you to abundant life. Forgive yourself. Be forgiven. Your sins are remitted and forgiven and now you are clean through the word that I have spoken to you. Open your eyes and see not the transgression of days past but rather see forgiveness and cleansing as your portion.
I am pouring out the oil and wine of healing, cleansing and deliverance upon you. Sanctify your eye gate and your heart from the pollutions of idols the enemy would put before you. I am not angry with you and I am not disappointed in any way. I see your heart and as you apply yourself I will walk you out of the prison house of the enemy and into a new liberty and freedom beyond anything you have ever imagined in your life says the Father.

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