The Father Says Today: November 25th, 2012

The Father says that I am going to scandalize your enemies with My love for you. I am going to turn them on their ear and rob them of all peace. I will do this by having the unmitigated gall to love you AS you ARE where YOU ARE. Isn’t that grand? I delight to torque the sensibilities of the religious mindset says the Father. I love your enemies so much I am going to show them how much by getting in their face with My love for you. Are you ready?
Let yourself off the hook today. Let yourself receive the NO-STRINGS-ATTACHED LOVE that I have to give you. You have waited on Me to remonstrate with you and punish you and guess what? I choose to change you instead. I choose to re-shape you into My image. I’m not going to punish you and you can’t make Me. Quit coming before Me with that look on your face like you are expecting Me to treat you like an enemy.
My love chastises you at a level beyond your ability to comprehend at times.  I chasten you and correct you and you go away so enamored with My presence that you didn’t notice the change I brought while you weren’t looking!  So go ahead and sin no more says the Father. It isn’t a command it is an invitation. I’m inviting you to be more today than you were yesterday. I’m holding the door upon for you why don’t you just step out and be transformed already?

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  • More Pease says:

    I love the name of your ministry! I found it by the Lords leading this a.m. and my brother is a father who needs a miracle for Aileen his 16yr old daughter…13 yrs they loved and cared for her…she had bone marrow trnsplnt but now in Boston hospital ICU