The Father Says Today – November 24th, 2020

The Father says today, I have seen how you refresh others, how you help them and serve them without a thought to your own enrichment. You have not grown weary or slack in the pursuit of My plan. Without a word of complaint, you have obeyed and followed after My heart. You quietly engage in serving Me throughout the day and speak to Me in the night when others are asleep. Do not think I have not noticed. Your time of refreshing is upon you.

You have given what you have, and I am opening the windows of heaven above you. I am pouring out the blessing and releasing the provision of heaven in your situation. You have humbled yourself before Me and I am bringing you strong deliverance and breakthrough in all those places that you have cried out about to Me. Your voice of passion has announced Me in your life and ministry, and I respond with My favor and grace. With great favor and great grace do I respond in your life and circumstance to bring you to the place of honor and exceedingly abundant joy. You are My beloved child, in whom I am well pleased, says the Father.

Sow into this word for your life! Text “Prophet” to 44321 for link. 

By Prophet Terri Allen

(Prophet Russ Returns December 1st)


Expectation is Activating Your Miracle Now!

Your expectation, your dared-for dream is not a figment of your desperation! Your expectation and hope are the dual DNA strands of God’s power cycling in your inner man ready to burst into manifestation. COVID doesn’t matter! Politics don’t matter! God’s glory on the inside of you is an unstoppable force joining with your faith, creating a new tomorrow, and completely transitioning you to HIGHEST HEART’S DESIRE and GREATEST DREAM FULFILLED!

Are You Ready for New Possibilities in God?
Sow your faith right now for what God is about to do in your life!

Prophet Russ – I’m Ready NOW for My Highest Expectations to Manifest in Reality in My Life!

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Other Comments

  • Claudia Dawson says:

    I sat in the dawning of the day and wept as i read the lines of these words. The Holy Spirit was confirming every word. I had a blouse in hand wet with tears .

    Although i know it is a kingdom message i feel as if it is just for me. I usually read after i spent ample times in God’s presence.
    The Lord graciously bless your ministry. I am presently going through a financially challenging season but by God’s i desire to sow in this wonderful ministry when possible.