The Father Says Today: November 22nd, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that your vision – your spiritual vision is not what it used to be but I am clarifying that. I have spoken to you in the night seasons and I have sealed some instructions in your heart that are very direct. My first witness is the directive from heaven in your life. Listen to the first witness. The second witness is the misdirection from the enemy. Get ready for engagement and new circumstances. There are major issues in your life that are suddenly about to become minor footnotes. The Father says that you may feel like you have been kicked to the curb or marginalized but I have always kept you in the very center of My scrutiny and focus.
There are pieces of information that are falling together that will redirect you in an unexpected way. Be prepared to listen to your spirit even when your mind is going “tilt” like the pinball machine. My understanding will lead you even at times when it seems there are blinders on your eyes. The provisioning will be there and there will also be doors of the past shut for your own protection. I am working with you says the Father as you work with Me seeking the standing principles of My word and applying them acting boldly on the rhema word that I am releasing in your life today.

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