The Father Says Today: November 22nd, 2012

The Father says today do you know that in eternity past that I chose you? In fact wanted and needed you? Yes, imagine that! I needed you to be a testimony of My faithfulness and My purposes in the earth. I needed you and I need you to bear witness to My love and grace even in your flawed humanity. Receive that redemption I have accorded you says the Father.
My highest purpose says the Father is redemption and not judgment. Even as I said in My word that mercy rejoices over judgment both now and in eternity. That is a story that needs to be told and the angels just don’t get it. The angels cannot comprehend redemption. So I choose you and in fact I need you for this task.
You are not just a testator to redemption but you are a recipient. You are not only intended to comprehend what I accomplished on the tree but you are chosen and privileged to partake of the dividends of all the cross represents. I will not relent says the Father. I will not relent My child until you have tasted of the full breadth and scope of My provision.  I have set My love upon you and you will not be denied. You will not be denied says the Father and I declare this day that there will be delay NO LONGER.

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