The Father Says Today: November 21st, 2020

The Father Says Today: November 21st, 2020

By Prophet Terri Allen

Prophet Russ Returns on December 1st.

The Father says today, I am calling home all My prodigals. You have not wandered so far off that you are out of My sight. You are hiding from Me, but I am drawing you out. I see what the toils of sin have wrought over the years, I know of the premature aging of your physical frame, the sickness and sorrow brought upon you as you walked along the path of self-destruction and self-abuse. I am exchanging your fig-leaf garment for My robe of righteous glory. I am wiping away the shame, forgiving the hidden sin you lay before Me, and I will set your feet to dancing in victory in this hour. I am renewing your strength and restoring your youth like the eagle.

There will be no more detours, says the Father. Your path changes this day. There is a fork in the road, and a sign at the fork that says, “This is the Way, Walk Ye in It.” You are My beloved child. I welcome you back with open arms and run to you with rejoicing, for My child has come home. If you just turn your eyes to Me and release the longing of your heart to return, I am there. I am right there with you as close as your breath. I will never leave you and I will never forsake you. I am preparing a great celebration with My family for you beloved, and a feast with many gifts and joyful surprises. I will place upon you My royal robe and My signet ring and cover your face with welcome home kisses of great joy, says the Father.


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