The Father Says Today: November 21st, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today “I am bringing you out …” In many ways your life has in this season has been like wandering in the wilderness but that is about to change. I have been the water from the rock and the manna every morning but now as Joshua at Jericho the walls that have excluded you from opportunity are going to open up. I opening up doors that no man can shut and shutting down processes of abandonment and denial that will no longer operate against you in any way.
Opportunity is opening up to you. A new opportunity opening up and you are going to have not one but many – multiple opportunities coming your way. The Father says “seek first the kingdom and all things will be added…” Go out and sow your life into kingdom purpose and I will cause your dreams – even your highest heart’s desires to become a “suddenly” from heaven that will reconfigure your whole life for My blessing says the Father.

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