The Father Says Today: November 21st, 2012

The Father says today do you want to be privileged or entitled? You can’t have both. Entitlement is expectation based on hopelessness. Privilege is that which you were born to in Christ. Don’t look to man says the Father. As I said in My word “cursed be he who trusts in man and makes the arm of flesh his strength…”
Get your eyes off of man and keep your gaze fixed upon Me says the Father. Man will fail you every time. I will never fail you. I will never forsake you. I will never look the other way or ignore your need or the cry of your heart.
I’m going to do for you what you can’t do for yourself says the Father. You’ve asked for change and I say to you “give Me some cooperation and I will give you not just change but total transformation…” I don’t know how to bless you in half measures. All I know is yoke easy and burden light. All I know is life and that more abundantly. Set your expectations on My irreducible blessing and life for it is your first born privilege in My kingdom.

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  • Oh,Papa You are the greatest,besides You there is none.You answer every cry in in my heart / give me beauty for the ashes of my life.I have no One but You, for truly You Love me without a doubt/I in return respond to Your Love for me.