The Father Says Today: November 1st, 2012

The Father says today that there are no “have-nots” in My house. There are no black sheep or neglected children. The enemy in your life has indicted Me with neglect but I am not neglecting you. There are things you are asking Me for  that I have given your authority over. I have authorized you to take action against things you expect Me to do something about. I will back you up says the Father and endorse your every effort. You have petitioned and petitioned Me but you don’t have to keep petitioning Me because I have already signed off on what you need.
The requisition has been made in the heavenlies says the Father now it is time for you to declare on the earth. Declare My faithfulness. Declare says the Father and be bold. Moving from Petition to declaration constitutes moving from a place of immaturity to being a full grown son in My house. Having petitioned Me do you think I would say no? There has been delay but delay is not denial. I’m not denying you says the Father I am growing you up.
When Moses said “stand still and see the salvation of the Lord” I asked him “what is that in your hand, Moses?” He was expecting Me to act when I had authorized and made every provision for HIM to overcome with My endorsement. You have the endorsement of heaven. Don’t worry about what gets left behind or who gets left behind. You are mine says the Father. I have first claim on your life. Stop telling Me HOW to answer and just trust that I will. I will never fail you and I will never desert you. Start cooperating afresh and anew today and remember that I am your GOD and your Father and I will know and be know as the author of saving grace in your life.
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