The Father Says Today: November 19th, 2012

The Father says today I am calling you to join the good fight. The good fight is the fight you win. The fight you win is the ONLY fight in the fight of faith. You don’t have to lose says the Father. You are not a loser. I SAID you are NOT a loser says YOUR FATHER. The circumstance suggests that you have to take the loss and learn from your mistakes. But I say to you that I make even your mistakes to prosper you and bring you to breakthrough.
You see says the Father I died FOR YOU I didn’t die for a plan. I took all your imperfections and shortcomings into account when I promised you an overcoming victorious life. Contend for that truth. Refuse the theology of failure. This is the day TODAY that you are going to have to fight harder than ever.  Choose to deny yourself the privilege of being a quitter and a failure.
The cross is more than a means of coping with suffering and enduring the unendurable. I said in My word to HIM that OVERCOMETH I will give of the HIDDEN MANNA. That Manna is your Portion today says the Father.

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