The Father Says Today; November 16th, 2020

The Father Says Today; November 16th, 2020

By Prophet Terri Allen

The Father says today, when there is a time of sifting upon you where you are being sifted like wheat, know that heaven stands with you and intercedes for you, that your faith will not fail. When there is shaking and agitation of a kernel of wheat, it is being prepared to fall to the ground, for it is through the planting in the ground and dying that the new life comes forth and bears much fruit.

Through many tribulations, we enter into the kingdom of God, but the Father says fear not little flock, continue to cultivate faithfulness. I am with you and I am for you. I am watching over the crop of wheat that is growing in your life and I discern between the good fruit and the false tares that try to choke out your life and purpose. Your character is being revealed by your response to the shaking and the shifting as you walk out your faith through love and good works. My heart of compassion always flows to you and I invite you to rise up above the sifting and the shaking and soar by the wind of My Spirit that encompasses life and life more abundantly, says the Father.

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