The Father Says Today: November 16th, 2012

The Father says today that relaxation is as necessary as daily food in your life. I have provided a rest says the Father it is time to enter into it. You have been taught not to grieve My Spirit do you understand that lack of rest in your life is a grievance to My heart? The children of Israel didn’t accept My rest because they didn’t think circumstances allowed for it. Their lack of trust turned a ten day journey into a forty year ordeal.
Enter into My rest today says the Father. Find your repose in Me. Even as I was asleep in the bow of the boat during the storm, I invite you to curl up next to Me. What is the point of rowing against a storm that I will silence with one word when the time comes? You have been told “God helps those who help themselves.” Do you honestly think you can solve the problem on your own? It is time to take a breath and find your repose in Me.
Come to Me says the Father. My yoke is easy and My burden is light. The degree to which your yoke is not easy nor light to that very degree you have been deceived by the enemy. Run to Me. Find that quiet place within where I will come to you and immerse you into the tranquility of My bosom. In the tranquil and quiet place I have prepared a habitation and a haven till the storm rattling the windows of your soul is over past.

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