The Father Says Today: November 14th, 2012

The Father says that a lack of hope will exclude you from the garden of My glory in your life. Don’t allow circumstances or situations or the opinions of men to shut you down says the Father. For only when I light you up and cause you to see yourself in My eyes can you be fully formed in My glory.
My plan is that you become manifest as a living display of My glory. Allow Me to shine through you and in you. Just shine says the Father. Just GO AHEAD and SHINE and let others cope with the out-raying of the divine in your life. Go ahead says the Father. Go ahead and manifest My heart and My mind and see if I will not build and emblazon the earth with the outlines and contour of who I am in your life.
This is the time and the season that you are in. You have asked Me and I am committed not to leave you out of My plan and My thinking. This is the hour and the season that My glory is on the ascendency in your life. Not an outward glory says the Father but the glory of Christ in you!

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  • the prophecy I received today its so relevant to what is happening in my life now. i’ve been going through tough times the last few months. i was rejected and neglected and going through finncial problems and issues at work all at the same time. Thank God that He was taking me to another level of glory in my ministry at my church. All tese things brought me closer to God and when I minister in Praise and Worship. God is working miraculasly in a way that I see that it is not only my taent but something supernaturally is happening and Gd shines through me. glory to Jesus. God bles you prophets Russ and Kitty