The Father Says Today: November 10th, 2012

The Father says today that you will not be left out of that which I am about to do. Today is a new day for you. I am resetting My grace and My mercy anew in your behalf. I am the God of the second chance. I am the God of the second, third and fourth chance because I never give up on My plans for you in life. You know you have made mis-steps and you have wondered if you were going to lose out but you aren’t going to lose out says the Father as long as you refuse to hold on to the past.
Let go of the past says the Father. Don’t look back. The past is a figment of what was once your future and now is only a record that I have washed in the blood of the son. When you are emotionally attached to the past you limit yourself with regard to your future. Remember I said in My word I make all things new? Be renewed today for I would cause you to walk in the renewal of My mercy and My grace.
My mercies are renewed every morning but you will not enjoy the dividends of that renewal if you live your life ruled by what you see in the rear view mirror. Not more regrets. No more “would-a, should-a, could-a” thinking. It is a new day. Rejoice and move on and move up in the good things I have for you today!
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