The Father Says Today – May 9th, 2024

The Father says today, place your absolute and utter trust in this season on the anchor of hope I’ve placed within you. It is a sure and steadfast anchor that reaches into the unseen realm and pulls from My glory the manifest substance of that which you are crying out for in your heart. The enemy desires to slow you down, to burden you down till you can’t put one foot in front of the other. But I have hastened to your side to bring you and that right quickly to healing, calm and composure where once was only frustration and despair. I am the antidote in My Spirit to all burden and all fear, says God. From this realm, beyond the veil, is where true God-speed acceleration happens. It’s where you disconnect from the false authority of the physical world and lay hold of the eternal unseen world from whence all hope and joy spring, filling you and flooding you with My peace, for truly you are safe from every depredation of the enemy no matter what things may look like in the natural. This is the calling wherewith I have called you into My kingdom. I have called you not to be a witness to what the enemy is doing but rather a witness to the invisible working of My kingdom that rules over all and sets right in your life those things and those relationships that are out of alignment with My heart where you are concerned.

This deeper reality is the creative realm of My Spirit that puts down every lie of the enemy and brings you into the fullness of all that I promised through the work of the Cross. When you touch the work of the Cross with your faith, you transcend the limitations of the carnal mind and the fallen physical condition. In that moment you ascend from time-bound experience into the timelessness of eternity where I make Myself known to you and work the change and transformation that strips away every chain and captivity of the enemy. It’s a realm beyond time and space, where existence itself is constant, unchanging, and utterly free. This is the freedom, the blood-bought freedom with which I have loosed you and released you that you might walk a heavenly walk on the earth as one whom I have purchased one that I protect, and one whom I have liberated from every lie of Satan. This is your inheritance, beloved, and this is the moment, the very moment that everything shifts and changes from corruption and the contamination of sin and death into the completeness and fullness of all I swore by Myself to bring you into, says the Father.

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