The Father Says Today: May 9th, 2012

The Father says that the human heart is a dark place but did I not say in My word I would dwell in thick darkness? My nature is to press into that environment where I am needed most. That is what you do when you are LORD (and I AM Lord, you know…) You do realize that the things in your own character that distract or concern you are no challenge to Me? They don’t diminish My passion for you, and I’m not wringing My hands wondering what I’m going to do with your faults and foibles. Even your sins I have taken away by the blood of the cross. I’m not capable of benign contempt, says the Father. I look at you and see that which is purchased to Me by the death of the cross. The price of Calvary is the measurement of My esteem for who and what you are and what you represent. From My perspective, says the Father, the precious blood was a fit currency to purchase to Myself fellowship and relationship with you.

I’m not sitting on the throne thinking how magnanimous I am for condescending to a “worm such as you…” That is how religion thinks but not what is in My heart, says the Father. See yourself in My eyes. Let this mind be in you toward yourself and others. You cannot love others with My love until you have the spiritual courage to actually esteem yourself in the context of Calvary. Calvary and the life of the Only Begotten was not overpayment in My eyes, says the Father. Be immersed in My sense of yourself. From the Only Begotten, the many brethren, including YOU, have thence proceeded. You are in the Father’s family. You are God-kind through the blood of the Son. You are purchased to My side and are the child of My right hand. Let your dependency be upon Me this day and shed every contemptuous vestige of self-loathing and self-hatred. I will displace all darkness in your heart and infuse you with My character. For you are called to be a Father pleaser, and it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.

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