The Father Says Today – May 8th, 2024

The Father says today this is only a test. If this were an actual emergency you would be notified what channel in the Kingdom to tune to for instruction. TRUST ME, says the Father. I am not wringing my hands or pacing the throne, but I am concerned about your circumstances and situation. I am in full control, and in nothing will the enemy be able to deter or derail that SURE PURPOSE that I am bringing about in you. You asked, and I heard, says the Father. You asked, and did I not say thereby your joy would be full? You will not be denied, says the Father. I declare that there will be no delay on this day. So go ahead and praise Me. Go ahead and thank Me. For the words will not resound off the walls of My throneroom before the answer comes and the miracle manifests in your situation, for this is My appointed time in your life. As you continue to walk in faith and trust, you will find and witness that My timing is perfect. Even when it may seem like there are delays or obstacles in your path, I am always working behind the scenes to bring about My SURE PURPOSE in your life.

In times of testing and trial, your praise and gratitude pave the way for miracles to occur, completely reorienting your circumstances and turning mourning into dancing and grief into proclamations of joy. Trusting in My faithfulness and sovereignty over every situation will bring you peace and great confidence for what happens next. No more anticipating the negative and the destructive to rob you of your blessing. I am here. I am with you, and I am working to vitalize My strength in you and bring forth triumph and victory beyond your expectations. So, as you face these challenges or uncertainties, remember that I am always in control and My promises are true. Keep your faith strong and your heart open to receive the blessings and miracles that I have in store for you. Trust Me, praise Me, and watch as I fulfill My Word in your life.

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