The Father Says Today: May 7th, 2012

The Father says today, I am sending someone into your life that represents an assignment from heaven. Lead them, says the Father. Lead them into My presence. They have hungered and thirsted, and no one has had the grace to give them the living water that I represent. As I have fed you and refreshed you, I would that you feed and refresh this person so that they might come to know the reality found in My kingdom. Show them, says the Father, that I am more than a Sunday School lesson and more than a historical reference. Demonstrate to them the giftings I have given you. Take of Mine, says the Father, and show it to them. This is a commissioning and a kindness that you will show Me in their behalf. Others have been offered this opportunity, and they turned it down. They were too busy with their lives and too preoccupied to be of use to Me.

Empty your hands that I might fill them, says the Father. Quiet your mind that you might hear My sound. Look away from the distractions of life and let your eye look right on to My throne. I will guide you by My eye, and thus you will recover both yourself and that one that has gone astray. Every day is an assignment from heaven. There is never an off day in My kingdom. You are always on the playgrounds of My purposes, both pursuing and acquiring those benefits and blessings, and responsibilities that proceed from being in a relationship with Me. Accept the assignment I have for you today, says the Father. Look to see, listen to hear, and sense to feel after My specific guidance. When you see your opportunity, act without hesitation, the reward will be great and the payoff of obedience will bring great joy to your day today.

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