The Father Says Today: May 6th, 2013

Russ-in-ReddingThe Father says today that you can know a wolf by the tracks it leaves. My letters of liberty are written on the hearts of men and I have written and etched your spirit with words of life and affirmation. It is time to tear out the pages that religious predators have written in your life and in your heart. You are not who they said you were and you have not been called to do what they say you must do. Walk out says the Father. Walk out into your liberty. Walk out of darkness for the Daystar of My promise is arising in your heart to bring life and release even this day.
Just a little longer says the Father. I see the cry and the questions of your heart. Do not allow the enemy to tempt you into thinking I have turned a deaf ear and blind eye to THAT issue. A little longer says the Father maintain your trust in Me and fidelity to your assignment. Assignments have beginnings and endings and when this assignment you are in comes to its conclusion there will be promotion and blessing commensurate with the struggle you have faced.

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