The Father Says Today: May 5th, 2021

The Father says today, you are clean through the word that I have spoken to you. Though you may feel defiled, know that I have cleansed you. Though you may struggle with self-loathing and diminishment, know this, that I am your cleansing and your promotion. As the prodigal came to Me and I rushed to meet him, so I hasten to you the very moment you look for My clemency in your life. You are forgiven. You are cleansed. I pronounce you free from all stain of sin from past failure and devastation. It is the enemy of your soul that resurrects the past and seeks to cause you to live under the shadow of accusation and the pointing of the finger. As I told Peter of old, so I say to you – what I have cleansed call not unclean. Come into agreement with My word and adjudge yourself, not by the things of the past or what others think, but by the testimony of My cleansing word in your heart.

Forgive yourself, says the Father. See yourself as I see you. You are clean. You are cleansed. I have washed your feet with My cleansing word even as the woman who washed My feet with her tears. The value I place on you as My child is not diminished by the bitter disappointments of the past or wrong decisions you have made. Accept this. Enforce this truth as fact over every self-recrimination of your own heart and every high look against you from those that are without. When others look down on you or bring up the past, refuse to go there. Don’t go there, says the Father. Let your tongue cleave to the roof of your mouth. Never answer your critics. Though the shed blood of Calvary was visible over your life in stark reality, some will never forgive because they haven’t forgiven themselves. Don’t be one of those. Forgive. Release. Bless. Be released. I release you, says the Father. You are forgiven.

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  • A Reed says:

    Thank you Prophet Russ for allowing the Lord to use you as a vessel to speak what is in His heart. I really needed to hear that I am forgiven. I never have see my sins because of the cross on calvary. Praise the Lord. For His Glory. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.