The Father Says Today: May 4th, 2013

Russ-in-ReddingThe Father says today that I am your teacher and your sufficiency is of My Spirit and not any earthly or human source. What man teaches you becomes polluted bread unless it is preceded by the personal and intimate revelation from THE SOURCE which I alone am. So put aside the books and the messages of others and dig deep says the Father and tune your ear to My voice and My resonant truth that is unique to your life and your walk. I will not hold you responsible for what I have told others. The accountability in your life is that personal disclosure of Myself that must come first beyond all else says the Father.
The revelation that does not come from man is that in your life that will put you over and inaugurate the miraculous. This is a bridal season and the beginning of miracles and I have purposed that you will be a partaker says the Father. I have set your place at the table and laid out your wedding garment. Enter in. Accept the overture and the invitation this day to come deeper in Me than you have previously experienced.

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