The Father Says Today: May 3rd, 2023

The Father says today that you are not intended to be a solitary creature. You are not destined for isolation. I am opening doors for you to live for someone else, and you will not be hurt or disappointed. Let go of the bitter memories and know that what I have for you now will put the lie to all that the enemy has said to you in the past. You are loved. You will be loved. You will be showered with affection and sweetness. This is your portion, says the Father. You are the beloved, and I will cause you to know this and experience it in fullness on the earth and in your life.

Step out in faith and embrace the new season that I am bringing you into. Trust that I am with you every step of the way, guiding and directing your path. You will find true companionship, deep friendships, and a sense of belonging you have longed for. You will experience the warmth and comfort of My love, and your heart will overflow with gratitude and joy. So, do not fear or worry, for I am with you always and will never leave or forsake you. Trust in Me, and I will lead you to the abundant life I have prepared for you, says the Lord.

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