The Father Says Today: May 3rd, 2013

Russ-and-Kitty-April-2013x300The Father says today that you don’t need papers to work for Me. You are not a poodle. The regulatory bodies of religious authority have their purpose but I will not be restricted or dictated to in the mantle I have placed in your life. Yes I will show you how to be all things to all people but in the final analysis says the Father it is My authority in your life that matters and aligning with My spirit takes precedence over alignment with any man or any man’s purpose.
So adjust your thinking to My purpose says the Father and lay aside all insecurity. Be strong says the Father and let your heart be confident for I am working with you both to will and to do My good purpose. The land before you may seem a desert but as you move forward in obedience to Me it will blossom like a garden and you will drink of the springs from My aquifers. Receive this portion and rest in the treasuries of My mercy that I extend to you in this time as I draw you forward in your ministry portion and anoint you to enter this day into your destined purpose.

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