The Father Says Today: May 31st, 2013

Russ-2013The Father says today I have made place for you at My table. You will not be last says the Father you will be first. You will be first in blessing and first in favor. The provisions of the cross are available and accessible to the cry of your heart. Make your voice heard this day says the Father for it is time to move from questionable wishing to the manifestation of hope and deliverance.
I have set a place for you at My table. Your chair is pulled out and the tableware is arranged. The substance of My favor and blessing is accorded to you. This is a time and an hour to reject pessimism. This is no time for sarcasm or a doom and gloom outlook. Those who say that can and those who say they can’t are both right because their expectations are self fulfilling. Make a determination to be one that acknowledges every good thing that I have made provision for in your life.
Trust Me says the Father. Let your heart safely find its trust in Me for you will not be ashamed or left wondering or bereft of answers. I have the answer to every challenge and there is not one chain of impediment or detriment that is not being broken this very day.

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