The Father Says Today: May 30th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today do not react to the situation – respond to My Spirit. I will lead you through the minefield the enemy has laid in your path. You will avoid out of the presence of your detractors and the fiery darts and javelins they throw at you will not find their mark. Do not fear or be fretful over the strife of tongues for I will hide you in My pavilion and preserve you from all the expectations and plans of the evil one. You will not suffer even the loss of one hair on your head for I am your protector. I am the strong tower that you will run into and be saved. There may be thousands that have faltered and fallen but beloved – you are the one I am working with both to will and to do My good pleasure.
I have set My seal upon your heart that you might be preserved from the bitter root judgments the enemy would contaminate you with. Forgive says the Father. Forgive even the unforgiveable. Do it not in your own strength but in My grace. I grace you now – I give you grace to relinquish the right to be vindicated. I am your vindication. The truth always outlives the lie. Restoration will be brought about by My hand and this present distress will only be a footnote to the testimony of victory and blessing that this season holds for you in your life. Do you trust Me says the Father? Then take YOUR hands off the circumstance and those things that you cannot change or fix or repair will be addressed by My capable hands!

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