The Father Says Today: May 30th, 2012

The Father says cast all your cares upon Me. I care for you. I see every problem and every worry and have it all in hand. Those things that are a challenge to you are as nothing to Me. Do you realize that I am highly motivated to make a difference in your life? I have no reluctance or reticence to act on your behalf. When you pray about provision or deliverance or the salvation of your loved one, My ear is attentive to your cries. You don’t have to overcome My reluctance to answer your prayer because I don’t have any. I am not a wizened old man with a white beard sitting on a distant throne. I don’t look upon your suffering and nod My head knowingly as though I took some perverse pleasure in the pain in your life. I know that erroneous image is how I’ve been portrayed, says the Father by those who ought to know better. When you wonder what My heart is toward you, don’t look at seemingly unanswered prayers and conclude I have turned My face from you. Look to the cross. The cross is My living answer to every cry of your heart. The blood of the cross is My provision for every need. The crown of thorns is My response to every mind-binding fear and torment that grips you. The stripes on My back are My answer to every physical condition short of perfect health. Lean INTO Me this day says the Father. Ease your cares over on Me and know that I am working on your behalf. Listen for My voice and act upon those things I instruct you to do and say. This is the season that I am coming alongside you to will and to do My good pleasure. My good pleasure says the Father is to give you the Kingdom and cause My kingdom to stamp its image of righteousness, joy, and peace on every aspect of your existence.

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  • Yes Father I cast all my cares upon YOU. Thanks for Your care for me. Thank You Father for Your power over my problems and obstacles. Truly YOU can make a difference in my life. Thanks for Your provisions, deliverance and the salvation of my loved ones.
    Thanks Father for reminding me of the cross as Your living answer to every cry of my heart. Thanks for the blood of the cross that You provide for every need. Thanks for the crown of thorns that overcome every mind binding fear and torment. Thank You for the stripes on Your back which is Your answer to every physical condition short of perfect health.
    Yes! Father God, I lean unto You. Thank You for Your guidance, Love and care for me. I listen for Your voice and heed You instructions.As I am, use me Father.Thank You for giving me the Kingdom and Your kingdom’s image of righteousness, joy and peace on every aspect of my existence. Glory be to You Father God!Amen! Amen! Amen!

  • Brenda Williams says:

    I receive this awesome Word dear Father, Thank You!! You are my ALL in ALL!!

    • Marie says:

      Thanks,that was God talking to me like there was no one in the world but me.

  • eddie says:

    Man, i hope your right about this. That would be awesome, given the fact that my experience has been exactly what you said: a far off God, indifferent, slow to act, etc. Heres to gopinf thay He teally loves me enough to act in my behalf and destroy my enemy.

  • Patrick says:

    Amen! I receive this word, it’s spot on! God bless you for sharing it.