The Father Says Today: May 2nd, 2012

The Father says that the angels and the heavenly hosts are focused with terrible scrutiny on My person and My name. When My name is uttered, and when My name is exalted, they spring into action. UTTER MY NAME says the Father. You will utter My name and feel the earth tremble under your feet and skies darken overhead with the myriads of angels bearing down on your position to render needed aid. You didn’t think you would be left out, did you? My kingdom is coming, says the Father. It is coming on the cosmic scale, yes, but it is coming in power and great force in your life. My kingdom and all its attendant powers, angels, potentates, dignities, warriors, and strategists are dispatched now IN FORCE as you lift up My name.

You are a member of the KINGDOM SIGNAL CORE, and the hosts of heaven await the signal to move in and destroy the enemy. I am your exaltation and your refuge says the Father. I AM on the inside of you as the GPS coordinate to bring down heaven’s hosts in full fury upon the enemy of your soul who would dare to deny you My promise. Bahahahaha! Strap in, says the Father. It’s going to get turbulent. The enemy’s back will be broken, and you will stand with your foot in his neck and declare the field of conflict is YOUR DOMINION IN CHRIST!!

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