The Father Says Today: May 29th, 2013

profile11-2012The Father says today no more flying blind for I am opening your eyes afresh and anew. I am bringing KINGDOM perspective to your insights and what looked like problems and impassible issues of life are now going to appear as the tissue of lies from the evil one that will not stand before My promise.
I am above and beneath you says the Father. I am beside and behind you. I am going before you into a new day of provender and provision and favor. Favor will be so thick you will feel as though you are walking through warm honey. I am going to manifest unusual even bizarre manifestations of gold and silver and feathers. Why? Because I am God and I am not only budgeted for the sober and foreboding but for the expressions of divine whimsy that will lighten your heart and cause you to know the full spectrum of this love and this romance I am pursuing in your life.

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