The Father Says Today: May 29th, 2012

The Father says I am not the author of anemic second-class blessings. When I do something in your life, I go first class all the way. I came that you might have life and not just life but life MORE abundantly. Abundance is available. Abundance is what I promised. Ask for THAT, says the Father, and THAT is what will be forthcoming. You have petitioned Me, and you have asked Me, but I say to you ASK LARGELY. Ask for the impossible, the implausible, and the unlikely. Place expectations upon Me that are as they say “out of this world”. I am the OUT OF THIS WORLD, God, with OUT OF THIS WORLD solutions and provisions! I’m not just a problem-solving God. I am prepared to do far more than simply help you cope with the burdens on your life this day. My grace destroys burdens and eliminates yokes. I only have one burden and yoke for you, and that yoke and that burden are easy and light. Let’s do this the easy way today, shall we? I am the Lord your God, and there is NOTHING too hard for Me therefore, there is NOTHING too hard for YOU because I LIVE IN YOU. I am calling you out of confined thinking today, says the Father. Think bigger. Dream more broadly. Hope more highly. Expect the impossible. It’s who I AM, it’s WHAT I DO!

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  • Nancy says:

    Father I thank you for your words. My desire is first of all to have a personal encounter with You, to experience Your supernatural power of The True and Living God and be able to hear Your still small voice telling where to go and what to do. I thank You that You came to give abundance life to all who believed and trust in You. My desire is to see all my debts, mortgage, car loan, credit cards bills settled and eliminated. I want to be set free from all yokes and bondages, to be free to worship You in spirit and in truth. I thank You Lord that You asked me to think Big, I dream to be able to walk in the super natural be a channel of blessings. All glory to You Lord. Amen

  • Vivian Dillard says:

    The word continues to bless me large and I’m truly grateful to the True and Living GOD! Amen

  • victoria.k.mogotsi says:

    i dream largely having faith that my dreams will cum true 1 day GOD never faills.and today being a happy woman with a huge smile on my face on this wondafull day. let this happyness last forever my LORD.AMEN