The Father Says Today – May 28th, 2024

The Father says that My kingdom is righteousness, peace, and joy. My joy is an explosive thing. You are an IED device that I will plant on the highways and the byways. Where others have no joy, peace, or composure – where others live with frayed and raw nerves and are ready to give up, I will cause you to be the solution to the pollution. You know what it is to walk in dry places, but you are coming out of hiddenness and into manifestation. The manifestation of My joy will flow out of you – you are a joy bomb filled to overflowing with My goodness. This is not the mindless mirth of distracted and perverse minds. This is My pristine joy and exhilaration that makes life worth living and sustains those who have been without hope until their personal Shiloh comes. Be ready to receive those that come to you. You will often feel that you are giving out what you can ill afford yourself. I so loved that I gave – as you give out of yourself, I will bring increase. I will increase your joy and increase your substance until you are bursting at the seams and unable to account for My goodness. You will be an example of My goodness poured out in your life, and your home will even be the home of the man named Obed-Edom, where David kept the ark of the covenant. Things will tend to benefit and bless and not cause a downturn of despondency. People will remark how they love to be around you and even visit you in your home, and you will have the opportunity to say, “Do you really want to know why things are so different?” They will inquire as the hope and the joy of My Spirit in you and will become partakes and participators in that hope themselves.

There are two kinds of power in My kingdom. One is exousia, which has to do with position and authority. The other is the dunamis power of My Spirit, which is immediate and transformative. You will learn how to walk in the authority of My kingdom that releases the immediacy of the miraculous. There was a man in Galatians who was said to be one who “did miracles among the people…” I will train and teach you – allow Me to train and teach you how to move in the gifts of the Spirit until you can prophesy at will, speak in tongues at will, move in healing and discernment of Spirit and miracles at will. I will destroy unbelief in you and cause you to be the instrument through which I destroy unbelief in the lives of others. You are a demonstrator. You don’t have to talk about what you demonstrate. I am bringing you out of the mundane and into a place of participation in My purposes. I call you first partakers – don’t look for examples, for if you look at the example others have set, you will have set your sights too far. You can be encouraged by what others have done, but I am giving you that which is uniquely your own experience of the manifestation of My Spirit.

Mix this word with some faith by sowing into its fulfillment in your life. The faith it takes to give into a prophetic word is equivalent to the faith involved in bringing that very word to pass in your situation. Act now because your response time in giving is a metric for God’s timing in bringing this breakthrough to pass in your situation.

I am here to be the Prophet in Your Life, to See You Come to Breakthrough in Every Area of Your Need.” ~~ Russ

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