The Father Says Today: May 28th, 2023

The Father says today, do not allow what you see or hear to discourage you. There are times when waiting for a favorable wind is necessary, while at other times, you must step out and walk on water. Take bold action. Don’t worry about being scared – DO IT SCARED! This is the time for water-walking, and you must be audacious and daring in your obedience. I will reward a little faith acted on with massive and over-the-top breakthrough beyond your wildest dreams.

Just make a start. Be willing to start, to act, to put your hand to the word and your feet to the journey. Do not ignore small beginnings, for I will provide you with new opportunities. Others may label your opportunities as problems, but you must not be deterred. I will show you how to turn a sow’s ear into a silk purse, so listen to my voice rather than the voice of others. I will protect you, nurture you, and bring you to a time when the plowman overtakes the reaper.

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