The Father Says Today: May 28th, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-02-06 at 3.24.04 AMThe Father says today that My wind is settling upon you. The breath of heaven is coming from every quarter of glory to find it resting place upon you and in you. My wind is accountable to none and controllable by none for it is the wind of My Lordship and My autonomy over your affairs. In you I have found and chosen a resting place for the dynamic wind that is relentless in the expression of itself in your life.
As I came to Adam and Even whirling upon the breezes My sound is being made known within you. You will hear My sound and know that My world winds are within you reshaping and reordering your inner being bringing you into full conformity to My character. Your heart is the resting place of My choosing says the Father so rest with Me today and as you observe the world around you from My resting perspective you will know the release of My power and My presence like never before.

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