The Father Says Today: May 27th, 2012

The Father says that human frailty is a universal condition, but it is not the whole picture. After the resurrection, I greeted the disciples with the declaration, “All Power is Given to Me in Heaven and in Earth!” That statement gives you cause to celebrate just as it did My followers. At that moment, they were cowering in fear expecting to be dragged to their deaths by the Roman authorities. I breathed on them, and they went out and changed their world and all human history. What I did through them, I am reproducing in you on an equal scale. I am calling upon you to accept and believe and anticipate the change. The Angel of Change is on hand to initiate the change! What is My potential in you? Has the theology of unbelief so inculcated your thinking that you no longer believe that radical transformation is nothing other than a slogan? What do you want to see done differently? I’m not calling you to be powerful or to be some resource in yourself. That would be arrogance and vanity. I am simply urging you, says the Father, to have confidence in who I AM on the inside of you. The world is changing. The shrill complaints of people groups around the world are increasing. Men are pointing the finger at each other and leveling blame because they are powerless and have no answers. Don’t do that, says the Father. Don’t look to man at any level and think, “if only this person was different, my life would be better…” That thinking imprisons you in despair and robs you of the blessings I have in store. Let your confidence stand in what I have done for you and who I AM on the inside of you. Know that the “ALL POWER” that I conferred on My disciples is the “ALL POWER” that also rests in you. Go out now in that power and invoke change. Invoke change in your day. Invoke change in your home, your workplace, your community, and beyond. I am the agent of change, and you are the vessel through which I am working. Trust Me, says the Father. Cooperate with Me. You will see the end result and be glad!

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