The Father Says Today: May 26th, 2023

The Father says today I am bestowing upon you the spirit of mastery and authority from the throne in this season. You need not remain where you are or suffer in grief any longer. A tsunami of joy is coming. Impediments are lifting and being swept out of the way as I bring My suddenlies online in your life. What others have looked for and dreamed of in My kingdom is now being radically made manifest in your life. Are you ready? It all changes from here says God so listen up! Listen to the still small voice as I overshadow you and transform you and lift you out of the trouble and captivity into the blessing place prepared for you for this time and this hour says, God!

Prophet Russ – I’m Sowing into the Anointing that Brings Breakthrough in My Life!

Look around you. Expect the unusual and the unique to begin to manifest as angel activity increases to a white-hot pace in your situation. The wealth of My Spirit and the resource of My kingdom is coming to bear on your behalf. Change is at hand. Change you’ve asked for a cried out for is now coming to the forefront as hopes are realized and shift comes. Yes, says God My trumpet blast NOW calls for the SHIFT! Out of sighing and sorrow. No more misdirection or confusion. No more shortcomings, shortfalls, or lack. The full faith of the vaults of heaven now backs your next move and you will not be disappointed on a single score!

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