The Father Says Today: May 26th, 2013

Houstonx200The Father says today you still have a future. The enemy cannot steal your tomorrows for they are in the palm of My hand. The enemy through man’s disobedience has limited access but time and happenstance are subject only to My sovereignty. I am a God who turns back the past and gives victory and recovery to those whose blessing was lost in the sands of time.
So refuse says the Father to live in regret. Do not allow the wistful remembrances of yesterday to rob you of the bright and blessed tomorrows that are ahead of you. There are things you have consigned to loss that will be recovered. There are sweet surprises ahead for you that are unanticipated even though at times you think you have “seen it all and done it all”.
My mercies are renewed every morning says the Father. My mercies are renewed in your life so despair not. Do not be dismayed or discouraged in any way. Life is not over it has just begun!

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  • Oh! praise the Lord….thank you for sharing the Father’s heart today…brought tears to my eyes as this word just confirmed to me Joshua 1 v 7-9….I felt the Lord had given me this scripture about an hour ago. I am new to your online ministry and have been blessed out of my socks in the past few days…you are both an incredible blessing to the body of Christ worldwide as you minister to the deepest parts of one’s being…and you always have a “now” word which is as fresh as new manna….am praying that Abba Daddy brings you to South Africa….we really need authentic, fresh revelation from our King….blessings and Jesus hugs from a rainy Cape Town…..