The Father Says Today: May 26th, 2012

The Father says I am calling you to be normal. Aspire to normality, says the Father. Jesus came to earth to demonstrate and establish a baseline for the normal human condition. I created you to move mountains. I created you to speak to storms and command “be still.” If you can believe, nothing shall stand before you, not even cancer. The resistance you are facing right now in your life will yield as you adopt what men call the miraculous as the baseline for your everyday experience.
Did you ever wonder why I lingered for over 30 years before going to the cross? Why did I not just go by the shortest route to the cross? Why demonstrate the God-life for three years before a people who would ultimately reject Me? Every day of My earth walk, I trembled with anticipation to reveal to you by example what one-ness with the Father would look like in your life. I rejoiced to see the light in the eyes of My disciples as they watched Me work miracles and know that they were imagining what it would be like to do those things themselves. I’ve made provision before I went away for you to do these and even greater works. Aspire to this baseline of sin-free, empowered, and anointed humanity. This is the garment that awaits you every morning. Awake to the garments and mantles of grace that lift you from the mundane powerlessness of the sinful condition. Mountains will tremble as you pass by. Sickness will wane at the very entrance of your presence. Demons will plan their day to be elsewhere when they know you are going to show up. This is your portion says the Father, and your entitlement as My child.

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  • Thank you Father for the prophetic that we should not use shotcuts since you took 30 years to the cross. I am waiting for your miracles to be showered to me. Help me to put on grace as my daily lobe and escort me and my family wherever we will be going in Jesus name amen.

  • Brenda Williams says:

    Hallelujah!!!! I thank you my Father for making this possible for me through my Lord Jesus!!! I walk in my miraculous baseline portion today and always!! GLORY to GOD Forever!!