The Father Says Today: May 25th, 2012

 The Father says today that heaven is near to you this day. There is nothing in your life that is not subject to My mind says the Father. Where My mind is resident, My will is present. Your words and prayers and declarations cause My will that is already on hand to be made manifest on your behalf. When you pray “thy will be done,” you are calling My will into manifestation. My will is not resident in some far-off inaccessible realm says the Father. As I said in My earth walk, “My kingdom is near to you. My kingdom is around you. Verily My kingdom is IN you!” It is foolish to pray “if it is thy will” regarding a thing I have already made clear promises about. I promised you provision. I promised you the dividends of My LORDSHIP in your life. When you petition Me about what I’ve clearly promised, you are siphoning off your faith and replacing it with sense-ruled opinion. Don’t DO that, says the Father!!! My will is present. My will is on hand! Call MY WILL into manifestation, and heaven will come to earth. Speak My words in your situation, and provision will appear. It isn’t magic, says the Father. When you speak My will, you are bringing My love to bear as fully as My love was displayed on an isolated knoll outside Jerusalem 2000 years ago. The fidelity I demonstrated on the cross I am present to manifest in your life as you act in concert with My will and My promises.
It’s a new day, says the Father. Speak into that day and hasten into that day, and YOU WILL enjoy its benefits!!!

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  • victoria.k.mogotsi says:

    ask and you will be given thats what the lorsd said,his will will be done,thus i always have faith in him hallellujah AMEN.