The Father Says Today: May 24th, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-05-23 at 6.47.57 PMThe Father says today that My fear is clean. Every other fear is unclean. I am banishing the unclean fears of life from your midst and from your life. The contamination of fear is dissipating from your person and the pristine FEAR of the LORD is manifesting to bring you to an ascension experience in Me.
The first spirit of the SEVEN SPIRITS of My person is the SPIRIT of the FEAR of the LORD. My fear destroys timidity, trepidation and hesitancy. My fear galvanizes you in your courage to rise up as a principality and a power to overcome the enemy who has lied and deceived and threatened you your whole live.
Say YES to My fear says the Father for I am bending low to pour out the SPIRIT of the FEAR of the LORD upon you and in the outpouring there is ascension and entitlement and access to My presence and My throne. This is the glory and this is the effulgence of My grace and power that is being visited upon you this day.

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